I think this mod will appeal to a good number of others, but I request three different files in the download section for three different price alterations, so that those that want a mod such as this can choose from a price alteration that suits them. The mod will alter the sell value of player created potions and poisons from the normal amounts (based on whatever factors) to a fraction of their value. I request three different files in the download section. The sell value of potions and poisons that a player gets from merchants, via loot, from stealing, etc. This mod is simple in nature, and the only thing I want from it is for it to drastically reduce the sell value of player made potions and poisons, while keeping the EXP gains from potion creation the same, or as close as possible to the way they are normally. You can even promote it as ideal for sneak thief characters that don't want to alter how potion and poison creation in the game operates but want to reap the full benefits of thievery (profiting mostly from thievery). I am requesting a potion sell value mod and it can be promoted as a mod which balances the game better (which it would). It also takes the fun out of getting money from selling loot and dragon bones and dragon scales. I am playing a character that has many perks in alchemy, but also, I'm trying to play a character that makes a lot of money through thievery, and with the way you can make so much money from selling potions and poisons, it makes thievery pointless. I'd like a mod that drastically reduces the price of player made potions and poisons.